Monday, June 1, 2020

My Beautiful Visitor Today #Cardinal

I was looking through the window where I have my recliner and spotted this beautiful cardinal today. Since the pandemic I've been watching the birds and everything in nature that comes along with the Spring weather.

This beautiful cardinal seemed like it was looking right at me when I took the picture. Some people say they are angels but I don't know where that idea ever came from.

All I know is that I was excited to see it the brief time it was in my tree, then it flew away!

I'm thinking of getting some more bird feeders since I got one for Mother's Day from my son. The only thing is the squirrels get into them and you have to keep refilling the feeders! Oh well, they have to eat too but I wish they would find something else.


  1. Thanks for sharing that picture of the beautiful bird Gloria. Listening to the birds was one of the things my dad enjoyed the most during his last few days at home. Your picture made me smile!

  2. I'm so glad my picture made you smile today in the midst of your sorrow for your dad. Thinking of your whole family with prayers for comfort.
