Friday, September 2, 2016

Summer Blogging Challenge - Treat Yourself! @SocialInsiders #SocialSummer

Treating yourself is something that I think everybody likes to do occasionally. Life can be stressful and people have problems, even if they never talk about it. I'm a rather private person so don't like to tell everybody when something is going wrong or if I'm feeling down. Maybe you are going through health problems, family troubles, financial worries or something else. We all have something to deal with in this life at some time.

One way I treat myself is by going out to my favorite restaurant for lunch after going to the city for my weekly allergy injection. No, I couldn't go out for lunch when my children were born and as they were growing up. I was a very busy stay-at-home mother with twin baby sons and a 2 year old daughter. Time really does fly by and now they are adults themselves. I have much more free time (even though my twin sons still live at home). Sometimes I think how it would be nice to go back to those days for a little while to enjoy them more. It was a 24 hour job with 3 little ones and they rarely took even a half hour nap. Some day I might write about what I went through before being blessed with my children. That would be a blog post by itself.

When I go out to my favorite restaurant I always have the same thing to eat (grilled chicken salad) with a baked potato. It's not expensive and always goes well with some of their freshly brewed iced tea. Some of the waitresses know me from going there. I actually know about 5 of them by name and ask for one of them to wait on me. They always know what I want to order and sometimes bring me the iced tea without even asking. It always makes me feel happy going there and is kind of like a mini get away for the day which is so nice!

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