Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Spread Some Joy @SocialInsiders #SocialSummer

I'm participating in the Social Insiders Summer Blogging Challenge and this week is titled "Spread Some Joy". There are so many people who are lonely, depressed and have no one to talk to these days. I have an elderly mother who lives a couple of houses down from me and she enjoys sitting outdoors in the summer and have neighbors comes over to visit. She loves being around people and certainly doesn't like to be alone. My dad passed away 16 years ago, so mom has been a widow for quite some time. She had a widower who was a great friend to her for 6 years. They were together every day but sadly, he got sick and passed away last year.

 The gathering at mom's has been going on for quite a few years now, which is just awesome! It's not every night, but whenever mom is at home and the weather is nice.  I walk over after supper lots of nights and get a couple of lawn chairs from her garage.  There is a widow that lives across the street that comes over, then a man in his Amigo who lives nearby, and also a married couple who lives next to mom. Sometimes, there are other people who drive by and stop to visit. Whenever somebody comes, they go in her garage and get a chair for themselves. We jokingly call it the "meeting place", and catch up with the latest town news or what's going on in our families. We laugh and joke around too, which makes it more fun.

There are lots of single or widowed people who could use a smile, hello, or to just be friendly to. When I go out shopping sometimes I see elderly people who I'll smile at and say hello to and you can tell they really appreciate it. It doesn't take much to make a person's day this way, and hopefully bring some joy into their lives!

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