Monday, March 28, 2016

        My Achy Tooth.......
A few weeks ago I had a crown put on one of my teeth that was fractured.

It hadn't really bothered me a whole lot but once in a while it did hurt just a little. I got an x-ray and the dentist recommended that I have a crown put on. For some reason I had a bad feeling about the whole thing but went ahead and made an appointment to have it done. It started off with a temporary crown that he had put on until they received the permanent one that had to get made. Everything was fine when I had the temporary one on, with no pain or irritation.

Well....... after I got the permanent crown on I noticed achiness and my gums are sore where it is located also. I didn't say anything right away but had to get my teeth cleaned last Monday so I told the dentist about it. Let me say that I'm terrified of going to the dentist and get lots of anxiety going. 

He really didn't seem to pleased at me telling him about it, but kind of brushed me off when I told him. He did mention something about getting a new crown and then left the room. Well, I'm not a complainer but my tooth just isn't right. I have other crowns but have never had a problem like this in the past. I've noticed that when I bite down hard on the back part of the crown it hurts more.

I've been thinking that it will go away but it's been about four weeks now and it just doesn't feel right. So Monday I'm thinking about stopping by and asking the receptionist about it. I don't know if I'll have to pay for it again but don't really think I should have to. I'm very nervous about it to begin with so will probably be thinking about it this weekend.

Have you ever had any bad experiences at the dentist?

Update:  Today is Monday and I don't know if I should go or not. I've been thinking if they do it over maybe it will turn out worse than before. Or maybe even damage a tooth beside it. That would be my luck. Guess I could just ask about it again. See how scared I am about going to the dentist.


  1. You absolutely should get it checked out! My concern is more with the fact that you tried to share your concerns with your dentist and he blew you off and basically ignored it. Is this a dentist that you've been seeing for years? Would it be possible for you to see someone else? Indifferent care is never an acceptable option. If he doesn't care that his work left you in pain or uncomfortable, then you should have a problem with paying him to leave you in that condition.

    1. I just went this afternoon and they got me in and took another x-ray under the crown. He didn't see anything and told me I was jumping the gun to getting the crown replaced. I've been seeing him for about 5 years I think...times flies. He said that I should give it more time to see if it gets better. He also said he had a crown that took about 6 months to get used to or something like that. I already paid for it too. They also said to kind of baby that tooth. Thanks for caring, Donna.

  2. I would rather have another baby then go to a dentist. But like you I also have bad experiences. Just got a crown on one of my teeth also and so far so good. I also had a root canal done so that might be why it doesnt bother me....yet. But like Donna said, get it taken care of before it gets into a full blown problem.

    1. I know what you mean Agnes. The dentist makes me get so much anxiety. You're doing good with only one crown. I have a few of them. I guess I eat too much popcorn. At least I don't have any pulled yet. My husband had to get a couple pulled because of dentist mistakes. He doesn't go to either of those dentists anymore. Never had a root canal before but they did mention that too. Guess I'll give it more time. Thanks for the concern Agnes.

  3. I'm sorry it still doesn't feel right Gloria. I hope that it feels better soon. I know when I've had to get a filling before, it takes awhile to get used to it. It usually feels higher than the teeth next to it and is sensitive to hot and cold. Eventually that goes away. I hope the same thing is true with your crown.

  4. Thank you Brenda. Hopefully it will get better with time. That's what the dentist thought too so I'll give it time.
