Saturday, March 12, 2016

First Signs of Spring!

Every year when I see these crocuses pop out of the ground I know that warm weather is coming and winter is over. Just a little over a week ago we had a really bad snowstorm and received about a foot of snow. Really! We were really getting sick of winter....especially shoveling snow all the time. But when it gets this time of year the days get longer and the snow doesn't last very long because it melts quicker.

The last few days the weather has been in the 40s or 50s and Monday it even got in the 60s. I couldn't believe it! I actually had to use the air conditioner when driving home from the city. What a change indeed!

It's so amazing when you think of these flower bulbs being under the frozen ground for all those months and they know exactly when to come out! Everything is brown yet but soon the trees will start to bud and the grass will turn green. The seasons are nice, although my my favorite season is spring because everything is fresh and new.

Tonight we turn the clocks ahead one hour and "spring ahead". And in 2 short weeks we will celebrate Easter. The time really does fly by,,,,,enjoy the warm weather ahead!


  1. Those are beautiful flowers! My birds of paradise always bloom when it's almost spring. I know, I can't believe it's almost Easter! Time does fly.

  2. Thanks Brenda! I've heard of birds of paradise but can't remember what they look like. Flowers make everything look so pretty, don't they.

    1. Birds of paradise are green plants with long stems that grow flowers. They look like the heads of birds because it's just a long horizontal tip with flowers along it. Sorry, it's hard to describe.

  3. They sound very pretty with the long stems and flowers along it.
