Friday, October 3, 2014

Sour Grapes

Sour Grapes

Years ago when we moved into our home my dad gave us some grape plants. He had them growing on the family farm and I guess he didn't want to bother with them any more. Dad was getting older and probably thought we had a good place to put them.

We had a lot of land available to plant! We had bought 10 acres to put our home on, and there were no trees by our house at all. We rented out the land to a farmer to plant crops but still had a house with no trees or bushes.

My hubby didn't waste any time planting trees (he's a tree guy). Now we have lots of tall trees all around the house. Anyways, back to the grapes. One day my dad dug up his grape plants and brought them over on his little Datsun pickup.

I really don't remember it because I was busy with our 3 little kids (Karissa was 6 and the twins -Dusty and Travis were 4 at the time we moved in). Now they are 25 and 23 years old. Time sure does fly by.....

My husband and dad decided to plant the grapevines on our property line for some reason. Maybe that was so we knew where our line was, lol. 

We didn't have a garage built then yet so you could open the back door and see the grapes. Well, we found out quickly that we needed more space and a place to store stuff. So hubby started building a garage, with a little help from his brother.

After our garage was built we had to go behind the garage to look at the grapes. I don't think we've ever picked any till this year. My daughter asked what ever happens to the grapes every year and I told her I didn't know. They always seem to disappear. I've thought maybe the neighbor kids pick them.

Karissa has been checking daily recently and yesterday picked a bowlful of grapes. They are sure nice grapes....but very sour! We have green and purples ones. I've been eating them but now nobody else really likes them!

So that's the story of the grapes from my dad.

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