Pennington® Smart Feed™ Sprayer System #Review
I'm a BzzAgent and recently got to try an awesome new product for free.....Pennington Smart Feed Sprayer System! This great product is so easy to use since you attach it to your regular garden hose. There is no mixing or measuring like other fertilizers I've used in the past.
Pennington Smart Feed Sprayer System is really a neat invention. You use pre-measured fertilizer tablets which eliminate any spills and they supply the right amount of nutrients to your flowers or vegetable garden. All you do is load the tablets to the system and attach to your garden hose. The Smart Feed Sprayer has four different settings, so you can select the right spray pattern for your own needs. Also the clear chamber makes it easy to see when the tablets have fully dissolved, which is great.
My husband wanted to try it out first so I let him spray a few flower beds we have. He really liked it a lot and kept going to look for more plants to spray! He liked how you never had to even get your hands dirty or mix any water and fertilizer with this product.
The Pennington Smart Feed Sprayer System retails for a suggested price of $12.99, while the Smart Feed refill tablets start at $9.99. That is the only downside to this system. The fertilizer tablets are pricey and I don't think we would purchase them if I hadn't received them free from BzzAgent. Tablet refills are currently available in three varieties: All Purpose, Flowers & Blooms and Tomato & Vegetable. Each pre-measured Smart Feed tablet fertilizes up to 300 square feet of outdoor space.
Our neighbors were in the backyard when we were using the Pennington Sprayer and we told them about all about this product. I had some coupons I received from BzzAgent and Pennington and gave them some of them. If you would like to try it for yourself the products are sold at Walmart, Home Depot and Lowe's.
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