Monday, June 18, 2012

You Never Know What You'll Find Cleaning Out A Refrigerator

I have decided to clean out my refrigerator tomorrow.  It's  one of those jobs that doesn't get done too often around here.  My refrigerator is in such a tight space I can't get the bottom drawers out very easily.  It's a pain.  The other day I was looking in the bottom crisper drawer (I think that's what they call it).  Anyways, I found a moldy lime and some limp celery.  Also, I saw something that spilled in the refrigerator which is kind of sticky.

I don't like cleaning out the refrigerator because you have to take everything out of it and wash out the whole thing.  Then  I clean all the drawers and shelves.  This job only gets done once or twice a year.  It's about as much fun as cleaning the oven (I don't have a self cleaning oven of course).  I take the stuff that needs to be real cold to my refrigerator in the garage while I'm cleaning.  I usually throw away bottles of stuff that just has a little left in it, like old pickles, or whatever.  I usually don't keep leftovers very long so I won't have any of that to throw out.  It will be a fun time I'm sure!


  1. Thank you for stopping by ans the follow. Love your blog and following.

  2. I hate hate hate cleaning out the fridge! Put that up there with the most hated chore of folding laundry! I'd rather scrub the toilet! lol
